Civil Aviation

Mataveri Airport – The Most Remote Airport in the World

Mataveri International Airport, located on Easter Island, is the most remote airport in the world, lying over 3,500 km from the nearest continent.

Originally expanded with assistance from the US for potential strategic uses during the Cold War, and then further expanded to accept Space Shuttles, the airport today primarily serves tourists coming to witness the island’s iconic Moai statues.

Despite its isolation, Mataveri has undergone modernization over the years to accommodate larger aircraft and provide modern amenities for travelers.


Mataveri Airport and its Lonely Location

Situated on the world-renowned Easter Island, Mataveri International Airport is distinguished by its unparalleled remoteness.

Positioned approximately 3,500 km (2,170 miles) away from the Chilean mainland and 2,000 km (1,250 miles) from the nearest inhabited location, the Pitcairn Islands, Mataveri’s geographic location is nothing short of extraordinary.

The airport sits at the base of a 325 meter tall dormant volcano on the eastern-most point of Easter Island, with its 3.3-km (2 mile) length almost severing the island in two.

Mataveri Airport's location on Easter Island.
Mataveri Airport on the eastern corner of the island, below the volcano Rano Kau.

The nearest airport is on the Gambier Islands 2,600 km (1,615 miles) away, making Mataveri the most isolated airport on the planet.

This isolation, while presenting logistical challenges, underscores the airport’s paramount importance to Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui.

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Acting as a vital lifeline, the airport bridges the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, connecting the island’s inhabitants to the rest of the world.

Easter Island's location in the Pacific Ocean.
Easter Island is located 3,500 km from the Chilean mainland and 2,600 km from the next-closest airport, making Mataveri Airport the most remote airport in the world. Image by TUBS CC BY-SA 3.0.

Whether for essential supplies, healthcare access, or educational opportunities, Mataveri ensures the island isn’t cut off, aiding in maintaining a semblance of modernity in such a secluded setting.


While the physical structure of the airport might suggest a relatively straightforward trajectory of development, its past is far more intricate and intertwined with global events.

Despite being known for its connection with nature, the island has a rather surprising involvement with the Cold War, being the center of cutting edge, top secret intelligence and scientific projects, thanks to the United States.

The 1960s, marked by mounting tensions between the superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union, saw both nations expanding their spheres of influence and strategic reach.

Mataveri Airport.
Mataveri Airport today. Image by Dennis Jarvis CC BY-SA 2.0.

After the famous shoot-down of Gary Powers’ U-2 spy plane in the 1960s, the US placed a greater emphasis on using space for intelligence gathering. This resulted in the Manned Orbital Laboratory (MOL), a project that sought to put a team of US Air Force astronauts in an orbital space station for manned reconnaissance.

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Should any of these missions need to be aborted, the crew capsule would likely land in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The US would then use C-130 Hercules aircraft to search for the capsule bobbing in the water. This meant that they would need an airbase in that region to station the Hercules.

Easter Island’s isolation, once considered a geographic challenge, was suddenly perceived as a strategic advantage. The island’s location in the south-eastern Pacific made it ideal for such a task.

Manned Orbital Laboratory illustration from 1960.
A 1960 illustration of the Manned Orbital Laboratory. It was meant to be a station controlled and operated entirely by the US Air Force, but eventually cost overruns finished the project.

With the cooperation of the Chilean government, the United States embarked on a significant project to extend Mataveri’s runway. They also added taxiways and logistical facilities to handle the US Air Force’s presence. Around 100 US Air Force personnel were stationed on Easter Island.

However before the 1960s were over, budget cuts and developments in unmanned orbital reconnaissance resulted in the cancellation of the project.

But the US’ involvement in Easter Island’s history doesn’t end there. In the 1980s the island once again became an abort site, but this time for NASA’s Space Shuttle. This required the 2,000 meter-long runway be extended to 3,300 meters to accept the large craft.

Easter Island's Mataveri Airport.
The 3,300 meter-long runway. Image by FRED CC BY-SA 3.0.

This too would not be needed, as the Space Shuttle’s launch course was changed and the island was no longer in the right location to accept aborted craft.

But in the end the island emerged the winner out of all of this, because it now had a runway that could handle wide-bodied jet airliners. This essentially opened Easter Island up to the masses, transforming it into a major tourist destination.

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The runway, once intertwined with the Cold War and scientific advances, now welcomed aircraft filled with eager tourists and travellers.

A Boeing 767 at the airport.
A Chilean Boeing 767 at Mataveri Airport. Aircraft like this would have been impossible to handle before the runway improvements made by the US. Image by Kambui CC BY 2.0

These visitors were to unknowingly benefit from this geopolitical move from decades ago. The expanded runway could accommodate larger commercial planes, making travel to this remote location more accessible.

Mataveri Airport’s Usage

Mataveri International Airport’s tale is one of adaptation and growth. Like many airports worldwide, it has undergone changes, but its transformation is particularly impressive given its isolated location.

The narrative of Mataveri’s expansion and modernization reflects the broader story of Easter Island’s transformation into a global tourism hotspot and the consequent need for an airport infrastructure that can cater to this influx.

Initially, Mataveri’s function and design were modest. Built primarily to serve the local population and limited visitors, its facilities, and services were basic. However, as global awareness of Easter Island’s archaeological and cultural treasures grew, so did the number of visitors.

Mataveri Airport terminal.
Today, Easter Island’s airport features a terminal with many of the amenities expected at a typical airport, an impressive feat considering how remote it is. Image by travelwayoflife CC BY-SA 2.0.

The once-sparse flight schedules started to burgeon, especially with LATAM Chile (formerly known as LAN Airlines) stepping up as a significant operator.

The airline’s connections bridged the vast distance between Easter Island and mainland Chile, further integrating Rapa Nui with the wider world.

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This increase in passenger traffic was a clarion call for modernization. The world had discovered the wonders of Rapa Nui, and the airport needed to evolve to meet this newfound demand. Several key changes were set in motion.

The earlier Cold War-era runway expansion was beneficial, continued wear and tear from increased traffic meant it required regular maintenance and occasional upgrades to handle larger aircraft and ensure safety standards.

Easter Island airport control tower.
The airport’s control tower was original built to work with landing Space Shuttles. Image by Paweł Drozd CC BY-SA 4.0.

To cater to the diverse needs of international tourists, the airport terminal underwent renovations. These included better seating arrangements, expanded duty-free shopping options, enhanced restroom facilities, and improvements in signage to cater to non-Spanish speaking travelers.

Advanced air traffic control systems, security scanners, baggage handling systems, and digital check-in kiosks were introduced. This technological infusion was critical to streamline operations and provide a seamless travel experience.

Recognizing the fragility of Easter Island’s ecosystem, efforts were made to introduce green initiatives at the airport.

Mataveri Airport sign.
Only time will tell if Easter Island will once again become a focal point for major scientific projects. Image by FRED CC BY-SA 3.0.

This encompassed everything from waste management practices to energy conservation measures, ensuring that the airport’s expansion didn’t come at an undue environmental cost.

The modernized airport didn’t merely focus on functionality. Efforts were made to weave the rich Rapa Nui culture into its design and aesthetics.

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Art installations, murals, and architectural elements reflected the island’s heritage, offering travellers a taste of its cultural depth right from their first step on the island.